
If you like the Essential China Travel Trends book and you want to help us spread the word, then please consider displaying one of our banners on your web site or blog.

If necessary, you can download the images and manage the banners in your own CMS but we would prefer for you to embed the banners using the links we provide you. Please copy the banner image URLs from the list below and point all banner links to the URL


Leaderboard Banner (728 x 90 px)

Essential China Travel Trends Booklet - Dragon Edition 2012
(display above is resized)


Full Banner (468 x 60 px)

Essential China Travel Trends Booklet - Dragon Edition 2012
(display above is original size)


Large Rectangle Banner (336 x 280 px)

Essential China Travel Trends Booklet - Dragon Edition 2012
(display above is original size)


Medium Rectangle Banner (300 x 250 px)

Essential China Travel Trends Booklet - Dragon Edition 2012
(display above is original size)


Rectangle Banner (180 x 150 px)

Essential China Travel Trends Booklet - Dragon Edition 2012
(display above is original size)


Wide Skyscraper Banner (160 x 600 px)

Essential China Travel Trends Booklet - Dragon Edition 2012
(display above is original size)


Square Button Banner (125 x 125 px)

Essential China Travel Trends Booklet - Dragon Edition 2012
(display above is original size)


Custom Banner

In case you prefer to use an individualized custom banner (in a different size format), please contact us at stefan/at/chinatraveltrends/dot/com.

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